Shaving Oil

Shaving Oil

Produced using only top quality, therapeutic-grade natural oils from around the world in a synergistic blend - Village Barber Shaving Oil is GUARANTEED 100% natural and paraben free.

This Premium Shaving Oil will let you experience the smoothest, most comfortable shave ever and will also leave your skin irritation-free, moisturised and nourished.

For the perfect shave use in conjunction with Village Barber Aftershave Balm.

Village Barber 100% Natural Shaving Oil

Q: How much Shaving Oil should I use for each shave? 

A:  It really depends on the individual beard (growth, density, etc) but as a general indication, you should pour approximately twice the size of your thumb nail worth of Oil onto the palm of your hand (see picture) before massaging it into your beard using circular motions.

Q: How often should I use Village Barber 100% Natural Shaving Oil?

A: For best results, every time you shave!

Q: Do I need to apply shaving soap/cream/gel/foam as well as the Oil?

A: No. Village Barber Shaving Oil has been carefully formulated to give you a close, comfortable shave without the need for any other product/s. However, if you like to pamper yourself now and then (as I do!) by also using a quality shave soap or cream over the Oil (always apply Oil first), then that's great. The Oil will still deliver an unbeatable shave!

Q: I have a nut allergy. Should I use Village Barber Shaving Oil?

A: As the standard Village Barber Shaving Oil utilises pure Sweet Almond oil (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) as a base product, then you should not use it. However, as a service to nut allergy customers, the sweet almond can easily be replaced with another suitable pure and natural oil such as Sunflower (Helianthus annus) resulting in the same "guaranteed" result!


Village Barber 100% Paraben-free Aftershave Balm

Q: How much Balm should I use after shaving?

A: As Village Barber Aftershave Balm is quite concentrated, you can use it sparingly. I rcommend you use roughly the size of your thumbnail and work in well to the skin. Remember, after applying the Balm your skin should feel slightly damp to touch. If it doesn't, apply a little more Balm.

Q: I have a nut allergy, Should I use Village Barber Aftershave Balm?

A: Although the amount of Sweet Almond Oil (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) is greatly reduced in the formulation of the Balm, it does still contain it. Therefore, if you have an intolerance to nuts or their derivatives, you shouldn't use Village Barber Aftershave Balm. Due to its current formulation, there currently is not an alternative balm available at this time.

Shaving Tips & Techniques for a more Comfortable Shave

Iain at The Village Barber has over 30 years experience in professional shaving. Here are some of his tips for a great shave! 



Sadly, the correct technique of ‘wet shaving’ is a dying art. Life, it seems, has become just too hectic in modern times to allow men the time necessary to shave properly!

With clever (and somewhat misleading) marketing, we’re led to believe that with the quick squirt from an instant foam can, immediately followed by an almost effortless glide over the beard with the latest ‘best shave ever’ multi-blade razor, we will not only exhibit a face smoother than a baby’s bottom but also be irresistible to women!

The reality however is usually quite different, right lads? Red, sore, irritable skin due largely to incorrect shaving.


The simple truth when it comes to a good, comfortable shave lays in the preparation of the beard before shaving. It’s something that simply should not be rushed. So what if it means getting up five minutes earlier in the morning, you won’t regret it! Remember, your skin is living tissue, treat it as such! A well executed shave serves not only to leave you ‘clean shaven’ but is tantamount to a beauty treatment as you exfoliate the dead skin cells from your face.

Correct Technique 

The first essentials to a perfect shave are water and warmth. When hair absorbs hot water it becomes softer and easier to cut and with warmth the skin and facial muscles become relaxed and more supple, making shaving so much easier. Thus the best time to shave is after a bath or shower. Soaking a flannel in hot water and wrapping it around the face for a minute or two can also achieve a similar effect.

Next, massage a good quality shaving oil into the beard with your fingers for about 30 seconds using circular movements. This will not only help soften the beard but also hydrates and feeds the skin leading to a much smoother, irritation free shave.

If you use a top quality oil, such as my acclaimed Village Barber 100% Pure & Natural Shaving Oil, there is no need to use a shaving soVB Shaving Oilap or cream as well. However, if you prefer to be pampered with the full works when you shave, as do my customers when I'm shaving them, you can also use a good quality, glycerine based shaving soap or shave cream which helps keep the skin and beard warm and wet during the shave. Alcohol based shaving foams and gels have the opposite effect, dispersing moisture and cooling the skin, which can cause irritation whilst shaving.

The Shave

Always shave with the grain of your beard. If a second shave is required, move the blade sideways across the growth. Never shave against the grain (unless you’re professionally trained) as this can pull the skin in the wrong direction causing small cuts and ‘grazing’ to the skin and is the most common cause of ‘razor burn’, ingrown hairs and shaving rash. Always finish your shave by rinsing your face with cold water to close the pores and gently pat the face dry with a soft towel leaving the residue shaving oil to soak into the skin (never harshly rub your face).

Caring for the Skin

A good wet shave exfoliates and cleanses the face, leaving smooth new skin cells. Newly exfoliated skin needs to be protected from the elements, so it is important that men use a good quality after-shave balm such as my Premium, 100% Paraben-free Village Barber After Shave Balm which will feed, protect and moisturize the skin. Never apply an alcohol based product such as cologne onto your newly shaved face as this will have the complete opposite effect and disperse any remaining moisture and almost certainly inflame the skin, thus the sting! If you wish to smell great with your favourite cologne, simply apply it to the ‘hot spots’ behind the earlobes and on the sides of the neck.


Happy shaving!

Questions? Email Iain at:

"I am so confident that you will be 100% satisfied with these exceptional products, hand-blended using only therapeutic grade natural oils which will feed, nourish and importantly protect your skin whilst and after shaving, that I will refund the full cost of the product/s if you don't notice any difference to your skin condition after the very first shave - and you can keep the oil and/or balm! You simply have nothing to lose!"

Iain Kane - Village Barber

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